REQUEST FOR PRIOR APPROVAL FOR GUEST SPEAKER The teacher requesting participation of a guest speaker must complete this form and the Agreement and Guidelines for Guest Speakers form and submit both to the principal at least 5 days prior to the visit by the guest speaker.Date of Request* MM slash DD slash YYYY Teacher* Email* Class(es)* Grade* Scheduled Date for Speaker* MM slash DD slash YYYY Period(s)* Name of Speaker(s)* Organization Represented (where applicable)Topic of Speaker*Qualification of Speaker to address this topic*How does this topic specifically support your curriculum* AGREEMENT AND GUIDELINES FOR GUEST SPEAKERS In order to maintain a clear focus on our core business – teaching and learning,the environment of schools and classrooms should be maintained and care must be exercised to respect the diverse views and values of all students. The speaker and the school agree to the following terms and conditions for speaking to students. A legitimate and reasonable connection between the adopted curriculum and the guest’s presentation must be documented on the Request for Prior Approval for a Guest Speaker. In addition, the presentation must be appropriate to the age and maturity level of the student audience. With the exception of school-sponsored fund-raising events, promotion of a business, distribution of advertising, or collection of students’ names, addresses, or phone numbers is not permitted. The role of any speaker is education and explanation. Materials and presentations must not denigrate any culture, race, gender, national origin, or religion. Also, while factual information on politics, religion, culture, or ethnicity may be presented, proselytizing is not permitted. Information presented must be accurate and factual. Appropriate attire, language, and behavior are required. School officials have the right and the responsibility to interrupt the presentation with a warning and/or to stop the presentation for any violation of this agreement. Responsibility Agree* I understand that is my responsibility to inform the guest speaker of the above terms and conditions Send Approval to* Elementary Principal Secondary Principal Both Elementary Principal & Secondary Principal