Secondary School Student Expectations
- All school rules, which are stated in the handbook, apply while on a school trip
- Participants in school-sponsored trips/projects are representatives of the school at all times. Therefore, all expectations for in-school behavior, which can be logically applied, will be in effect.
- A conservative dress code and respect for host culture is required.
- Students will be given an itinerary that lists all scheduled events and times. Students must be punctual for all departure times and events.
- Students should not bring stereo equipment (with external speakers), valuables, or large sums of money on the trip. Students are responsible for take care of their valuables.
- Students must remain with the group, except during identified leisure periods.
- During leisure time, students are required to travel in groups of three or more and remain within a designed area.
- Students must be in their rooms at the announced curfew time and are not permitted to leave their rooms after that time. Boys are only permitted in boys’ rooms and girls are only permitted in girls’ rooms.
- Conduct must not infringe on the rights of the other hotel guests. Students should not create loud noises in the halls or any room by talking loudly or playing radios, televisions, etc. at unreasonable levels.
- Possession, purchase and/or drinking of alcoholic beverages or possession, purchase and/or use of drugs, other than those for medicinal purposes previously reported to the ISY Clinic medical team, are strictly prohibited.
- Students are the responsibility of ISY for the duration of the trip. If a student leaves with an approved non-ISY adult for any reason, they are not permitted to return or be involved in the reminder of the trip.
- Friends and family are not permitted to travel with the grade level trip.
- Students are permitted to bring their cellphone on this trip. However, all phones will be collected from students between the hours of 5:00 PM and 8:00 AM each day. Students who fail to submit their phone to the team leader risk not being able to fully participate in the next day’s school activities.
- Students are not to bring computers of any kind on the trip.
- Rooming is single sex. Boys are only permitted in boys’ rooms and girls are only permitted in girls’ rooms. Dating couples will not be permitted to room together. When possible they will be on separate floors with chaperones interspersed.
- Students are responsible for anything that happens in the hotel room. The cost of missing items (keys, towels, etc) and/or damage to rooms or furnishings will be shared equally by those who occupy the room.
Teachers will uphold student expectations that have been outlined and signed by all traveling students. Teachers must report all disciplinary infractions to the trip leader. If necessary, the trip leader will inform ISY administration.
- Students involved in minor violations (e.g. being overly rambunctious or inconsiderate toward others) are kept under closer supervision and may be excluded from certain activities.
- Students may be sent home after consultation with an administrator and a call to the parents if: a major school rule has been violated (e.g. curfew violation, theft, drinking, smoking, vandalism, drugs or other inappropriate behavior) or a student is consistently uncooperative or is creating an unsafe environment for self or others. In such circumstances if a student needs to return to Yangon early, all expenses will be charged to the family and a suspension from all travel activities will occur for a year.