Activity Risk Assessment – Off Campus Experiences All school rules apply during the learning trip. Although precautions are taken it is important to acknowledge that each activity involves risk. Please see the completed risk assessment below. Parents should keep this form because it contains important contact information.Name of Student* Email Address* Activity* Location (full address)* Date of Activity* MM slash DD slash YYYY Time of Day* Name of ISY faculty activity supervisor* Contact Details* Note: The ISY faculty supervisor will accompany the students on this off-campus activity (or s/he will have authorized an approved non-ISY faculty supervisor)Transportation DetailsThe faculty supervisor should take a 1st aid kit.Adult supervisor/organization (if non-ISY faculty) When completing the risk assessment keep in mind risks such as: vehicle accident, crime, injury, natural disasters, lost student, disorderly individuals. Students should complete this form and seek approval from the activities director. Use as many boxes as you need (create more if you need them). Note: When off campus, students should always be accompanied by other students. Risk AssessementClick the '+' button to add more rowsConcernRisk LevelNature of The RiskAction taken to Reduce RiskResponse ActionNotes Approval Code* Only for Supervisors Approval ProcessThe Activities Coordinator or the Service Learning Coordinator has established contact with and approved of the off-campus adult supervisor/organization (if non-ISY faculty)* Yes No ISY faculty activity/project supervisor* Yes No Activities Coordinator (Darren Harp)* Yes No CommentsUpload this file to ManageBac (HS) or eportfolio (MS)