Activity Proposal, Action Plan & Approval Form, Grade 6-10 (2022-2023) Activity on or or off campus (non service) Proposal, action plan and approval form (grades 6-10) Each student should complete this form before filling out the “Add CAS Experience” section on the CAS pages of ManageBac (HS). Completion of this form should take place after the student has undertaken the “investigation” stage of implementing an activity/project (the five stages are listed below). (Stage 1 – Investigation, Stage 2 – Preparation, Stage 3 – Action, Stage 4 – Reflection, Stage 5 – Demonstration) This form follows the SMART goals system to help frame your planning and implementation Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-based A new action plan must be created for each activity/project. Action PlanName of Student* Email Address* Activity /Group* What needs to be done to get moving?Who will be Responsible for what?What help do I need? Who should I ask?Resources needed?Are any partnerships identified* Partnerships Identified Partnerships Not Identified Will you need to raise money to pay for supplies, banners, transport, etc?* Yes No if yes, make sure you have clearance from the ISY Business OfficeHow much will these things cost? Target date for completion?* MM slash DD slash YYYY I have a way to account for the funds and I understand that monies must be handed in to the business office daily* I have a way to account for the funds and I understand that monies must be handed in to the business office daily Personal Goals and Learning OutcomesWhat are my personal goals for this project?If for CAS, which learning outcomes am I aiming for?What will I use as evidence to demonstrate that I met my learning objectives?Approval Code* For supervisors and principals only Approval – Faculty Supervisor and Secondary Principal will write below this line.Name of supervisor* Faculty supervisor approval* Yes No Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Note: Faculty supervisors need to make sure that all costs will be covered by revenue raised by the group.Can I get started right away or is there something I need to amend?A risk assessment form has been completed* Yes No I understand that no student may leave campus without a signed parent permission form.* I understand that no student may leave campus without a signed parent permission form. I understand that there usually are costs attached to arranging transport and it may take as long as a week to arrange a driver.* I understand that there usually are costs attached to arranging transport and it may take as long as a week to arrange a driver. Note: Off-campus activities/projects require a risk assessment form and a signed parent permission form. For Supervisors: Please click on the submit button.